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Brokerage Purchase

There are two types of sales for used homes bought and sold by real estate companies: ``brokerage'' and ``purchase.'' ``brokerage'' is a form where the seller is an individual and the real estate company stands between them and introduces them to the buyer. "Purchase" is a form in which a real estate company purchases a used home, renovates it, and sells it, with the seller becoming the real estate company. In purchasing, the real estate company becomes the direct buyer of the real estate. Therefore, a major feature is that there is no need to look for a buyer, and the sale can be completed quickly. The purchasing real estate company conducts a price assessment and presents the purchase price. If the seller is satisfied, a sales contract is concluded between the seller and the real estate company, and everything from payment of the purchase price to delivery of the property is quickly completed. In addition to the above-mentioned direct transactions between sellers and buyers, there are also cases where the commissioning broker brings in a real estate company specializing in real estate purchases and concludes a purchase contract.

The advantage of buying real estate is that it takes approximately one month to complete the sale, and this sense of speed is one of the major advantages of buying real estate. Unlike when selling to a regular buyer, you don't have to worry about the contract being overturned due to circumstances such as not being approved for a mortgage loan. In addition, the real estate company that is the buyer will handle the procedures for the sales contract, but since the company itself is the buyer, it does not act as an intermediary, so there is no brokerage fee. Furthermore, since the buyer is a professional real estate company, unlike when selling to the general public, there is no liability for non-conformity to the contract. Once the property is sold, the seller does not have to take responsibility for any problems with the building or underground deposits on the land.

The disadvantage of buying real estate is that the purchase price is lower than the market price of the property. Real estate companies do not use the properties they purchase, but instead make a profit by reselling them. In some cases, the property is resold in the same condition as it was purchased, but in many cases, the property value is increased by renovating or rebuilding the building before resale. Therefore, if the resale price is lower than the purchase price, renovation costs, and other miscellaneous expenses, there is a risk that you will end up in the red. Real estate companies have no choice but to keep the purchase price low in consideration of this risk. Therefore, you must assume in advance that the purchase price will be 20-30% lower than the market price.

The process of asking a real estate agent to find a buyer and then selling the property to the buyer is called ``brokerage''. Brokerage involves searching for a buyer from the general public and asking a real estate company to conclude a contract with that buyer.

The advantage of real estate brokerage is that it is possible to sell at a higher price than buying. Unlike when a real estate company buys a property, the buyer buys the property for their own use, so they can sell it at a price close to the market price.

The disadvantages of real estate brokerage are that you have to do a certain amount of advertising and promotion because you are looking for a buyer from the general public, and it takes a corresponding amount of time to sell the property. Depending on the popularity of the property and the selling price, you should consider a sales period of at least 3 to 5 months. In addition, the real estate company will handle the procedures for the sales contract in the same way as for the purchase, but a brokerage fee will be charged as compensation for brokering the contract with the buyer. Furthermore, since the parties are members of the public, they must be held liable for non-conformity in the sales contract. If a defect that differs from the contract is discovered after the sale and you are held responsible, you will be responsible for repairs and compensation for damages.

Lastly, I would like to introduce our company's business that you should pay particular attention to from now on, but we handle properties that are extremely difficult to sell, such as "properties that cannot be rebuilt," "existing non-conforming properties," "properties with accidents," and "co-ownership interests." Our staff, who worked for a major developer for 19 years, utilizes his knowledge and experience to provide services that will satisfy the seller, so that the transaction of a property that has suffered a fire will be as expensive as possible. We are working hard to provide.